Winter Blues Salt Scrub

Is anyone else feeling dry and lizard like? I've found myself slathering on thicker hand and body lotions this past month. We've had a mild winter but we finally got a hefty snow. So when I got to come home early from work and shovel out the driveway, I was itching for lotion by the time I walked in the door.

Before slathering on a bunch of lotion, it is best to slough off the old skin. I do have a dry brush I try to use on a relatively regular basis. It is suppose to help increase circulation and help detox your body with help from your lymph nodes. My husband however, threatens to use the brush in the toilet. Haha!

My husband has eczema and usually it is just on his hands. I am determined to find the magical remedy one day to cure his red and itchy paws. (I've read a lot about elimination diets- but my stubborn husband won't give up any kind of food.) So my next solution has been all kinds of scrubs, lotions and oils.  I whipped up this simple salt scrub the other day:

I melted some coconut oil and olive oil together. Then, mixed in Epsom salts to a nice mush.

Then scented with essential oils. For this batch I used equal parts peppermint, lemon and lavender oil.

Easy as that! You can use this on your body and hands and it is delightful! Feel free to change around oils that work best for you and your skin.

At first I thought it would be counter-productive to put salt on eczema skin, but he said he loves it and likes how it feels. The salt does not dry it out like I initially thought it would. He works a lot with his hands and I think the addition of the salt with the magnesium may also help his sore joints in his hands. (Much like taking an Epsom salt bath.)

It does leave my husband's hands a bit oily. But he just pats them dry on a towel and the moisture stays yet he isn't left walking around with a slimy paw.

Have you tried a salt or sugar scrub? What do you do in the wintertime to combat dry skin? Or eczema?