Welcome 2018- Cultivate

I'm sure you all have seen many posts about a "word" to live by in the New Year. I must admit I love this idea. As I sat to ponder the last year this past week, I also looked for what I wanted to value and focus on for 2018.

(Rainbow baby)- Our Trip to Niagara Falls

For me, my word is Cultivate.

-I want to cultivate a loving family (As I am due with our first child in 2 weeks)
-I want to cultivate more generosity & giving back to others. Whether it be in my actions, literal help/donations or simply in being a listening ear to someone.
-I want to cultivate my mind by reading more
-I want to cultivate a thriving garden to nourish my family & save money

About 6 months pregnant

My absence in posting on this page, is mainly due to the fact that I am pregnant. Though I feel great, like many people, we have had our trials. After losing a baby in February, I found myself quite depressed. I was aware of my feelings but also had a hard time shaking how I felt. I was unmotivated and wanted to curl up and hibernate. April brought us a baby, but with 4 months of scares of almost losing it and having to have a blood transfusion. The mental stress this put on both my husband and I was draining.

We are so blessed that this little one is healthy and I am happy to say that we are on the home stretch. I know so many others that have things much harder in life, and I try not to take any of these precious moments for granite. Now I feel like we are sitting and waiting for this little miracle. And my husband and I are so excited.

I would like to share more over the next year. As I do have maternity leave away from work. I know life will create new busyness with a baby. We are also in the midst of starting to work with an architect to draw up house plans in preparation for moving.

9 months pregnant

A lot of other bloggers and youtubers I've watched, used the term "Season of Life." Sometimes life throws crazy things at you, but it is a good reminder that it is not permanent and it will change and evolve.

May you find happiness and success with your endeavors this year!

Cheers to 2018!