Letting Go

Last month, we took the handle bar off the back of my daughter’s bike. She’s 3, but last Fall at age 2 she was riding her bike without training wheels! 

My husband deserves all of the credit. When COVID kept him home for 2 months last year while I worked in the basement, he took her out biking every day. He would have her alternate between pedaling and working on her balance bike. Between the 2, she was set up for success. He took the training wheels off and once we had her steady, we would let go and run next to her. She’s now mastered starting and stopping so we took the bar off the back and held our breath.

But there was no need to worry, she proved to us yet again that she’s more capable than we realize. We rode up and down all the streets of our neighborhood, and as we did I began to cry.

4 years ago that very day, I was laying on the bathroom floor crying, calling the doctor who once again said, “Stacey, it doesn’t look like you’re going to keep this baby.” A month after that I was in the hospital with so much blood loss they had a bucket under me saying I almost needed a blood transfusion, and the month after that I just refused to go to the doctor because they didn’t know the cause of blood loss and I was scared to have them admit me to labor and delivery at 4 months pregnant. 

But here she is, that little human once inside me, grew into a strong, smart and spunky little girl.

Another reminder that God wrote this story, this life we are living.

It made me think about how in so many ways life is about letting go. I just weaned my son from nursing as he is almost 1 year old and we were both ready.

We grow and teach our children to be capable and independent. And with that, we’ll have to continue to let go. To let them dress themselves, go to school, one day drive a car, get married and create a family of their own. This is just the beginning of many things we will have to “let go” as time marches ever forward.

What are you letting go of in your life? I talked to a friend recently who said she has learned more this past year to let go of what other’s think, let go of comparing. Maybe you’re letting go of negativity and bad relationships, jobs, etc. 

Maybe you’ve lost loved ones that you miss so much. People that have made such a profound impact on your life. 

Cherish as much as you can each day. You never know what you will have to let go of tomorrow.