Elderberry Syrup

With finicky weather, traveling, and friends and family with the Holidays, it is no wonder that it is flu season. Yes, washing hands, a healthy diet, and plenty of sleep are a must, but I have also found that elderberry syrup helps you recover a bit quicker.

With all of the different articles out there making them, I tried my hand at it last year. The year prior, I bought some expensive but delicious bottles from Mountain Rose Herbs.

My friend Jennifer and I whipped up a batch, check it out here!


I recently made another batch a month ago and grated in some fresh ginger as well. Once my husband was complaining of a bunch of co-workers being sick, I was adamant on both of us taking a tablespoon each night.

Last week, he was getting a tinge of a sore throat. I cooked up my homemade chicken noodle soup, we continued to take the elderberry syrup and got plenty of rest over the weekend. He started Monday feeling great again, so hopefully we can continue to keeps the bugs at bay.

It tastes delicious too, and if my picky husband will take it, good chance kids won't mind taking it too.

Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year!